Rabu, 04 April 2012

Glamorous Furniture//[BA] Lamin Longhouse

Glamorous Furniture//[BA] Lamin Longhouse:

I wish you all a gorgeous day my blog readers ,and of course a warm welcome on Glamorous Furniture Blog .Today I discovered,that finally after months of miserably long and tedious work ,finally shadows and water reflection work on my viewer. So you ,my little readers, you are going to see more and more shadows in my pictures and I really hope you enjoy .If you have any tips for me just drop me a im in second life or comment to this post ,I will be more than happy to accept your helps .Now let’s return to our daily blog post ,because today we have a fabulous building designed by…

Barnesworth Anubis,owner of [BA] store.I recommend you all to take a closer look at his store ,because that’s the secret place where he hides all his fabulous creations that includes both buildings and pieces of furniture ,all of them designed in an high quality way. Let me present you one of his newest release..

It is called Lamin Longhouse ,and is definitely a breathtaking house .I personally think that it’s perfect for people who own a land near the sea ,or who have the chance to rezz it near water(lakes,sea ,rivers etc) ,this will make it look even better.Another thing you should know is that it comes in both furnished and unfurnished version ,you are the one with the final decision: want it with furniture inside or not. As you can see it is not that kind of huge houses, but is definitely a beautiful and well made one.

One of the catchiest thing is the open air style .If you work a lot in real life ,than this house would be the ideal place to escape in second life .I simply enjoyed the view of the sky while sitting in the fabulous textured bed .I recommend you all to try this .But if you want some intimacy ,the house is scripted in such way that the open air version to become a closed building .

What about the furniture pack? Well it includes the following pieces of furniture:chair ,sofa ,rug, end table, potted plants , curtains , tub ,bed , cushion , decorative chest , outdoor couch ,outdoor table ,deck chairs . As you can see the includes everything that a home could need.

Is this your perfect home?Is this what you were looking for? If your answers to my question is yes ,then you have the chance to give it a try in second life by pressing the links I included under this text .Enjoy it ,and don’t forget to come back to Glamorous Furniture Blog to tell us how you feel in your new home .Ciao my friends ,Amalia Foxtrot.
-Store List-

Building: Lamin Longhouse –[BA] /Designer- Barnesworth Anubis

Available at [BA] Mainstore



House: 56 prims

Furniture and decor: 164


Link :Click Here

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